L83 / L86 Type II PS Pump Installation
Our Bracket & Pulley kit to install a Type II power steering pump on a the L83/L86 mounts where the OEM vacuum pump bolted & uses the same 3-rib belt area on the crank pulley.

For power steering brackets for the L83 / L86 engine we have two options. Option A is for a GM Type II style power steering pump & Option B is for a KRC PS3 power steering pump.
Option A
The Bracket & Pulley kit for the Type II pump # PSB-L83-II
We have the pumps with the flange for our pulley too.
Here is our Reservoir
90 Degree Fitting for the Feed (AN-10 Side of the Pump)
Remote hose from Reservoir to the 90 Degree fitting
Pressure hose from pump to box & box to Reservoir (choose hose for your application)
Flow Control Valve for Mustang II Rack & Pinion
From the face of the engine block to the feed nipple it is about 6-1/4”
Option B
We offer the bracket & hardware only. You will need to get the pump & pulley from KRC and a reservoir.